Replacing a refrigerator water filter

When to Replace a Refrigerator Water Filter

If you have a water dispenser or an ice maker in your refrigerator, you’re probably quite aware of the nuisance of changing the water filter every once in a while. Even though it could be a little bothersome to constantly spend money and change the water filter, drinking fresh, clean water is worth it.

When to Replace a Refrigerator Water Filter

According to most manufacturers, refrigerator water filters need to be changed every six months, or every 200 gallons of water – whichever comes first.

However, that may not always be an accurate figure.

Let’s dig in a little deeper so you can figure out exactly when to replace your refrigerator water filter.

Why Should I Replace The Refrigerator Water Filter?

Should I really replace the water filter, or is it just money wasted?

Isn’t the local water company already treating the water? If that’s the case, then there’s no point paying the extra cash, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Water travels through long miles of tubing before it actually reaches your home.

Along the way, water may catch contaminants and particles that you surely don’t want to be water. If you simply ignore replacing or using a water filter altogether, excess debris will make its way to your glass of water.

As water is forced through the carbon layer in the filter, its main job is to trap particles and contaminants. Over time, the pores of the activated carbon layer become clogged and water that moves through it is less effectively purified.

Moreover, as time passes, the water filter may develop bacteria, mold, and build up debris.

A reason enough to change it, don’t you think?

How To Know It’s Time To Change The Refrigerator Water Filter?

There are a few ways to find out if your refrigerator water filter really needs to be changed.

Follow The Manufacturer’s Instructions

The easiest and most obvious way to know when to change the refrigerator water filter is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Most commonly, the manufacturer’s instruction manuals state that water filters need to be replaced every six months at the very least.

Although you can sometimes depend on that measure, other factors may jump in that mess up with the accuracy of the filter’s lifespan in terms of time.

To help you understand more, let’s imagine and compare two scenarios for a moment. A family of four who uses the refrigerator water filter will consume more water than a family of two, for instance.

That means the filter will be used more often in the former case. As a result, the family of four will need to replace the water filter more frequently than the family of two.

That’s when the manufacturer’s instructions in gallons jump in. A manufacturer will state, for instance, that the filter should be changed every six months or every 200 gallons of water, whichever comes first. Most refrigerator water filters should be changed after 200-300 gallons of water.

Change In The Water’s Taste Or Odor

Another way to test your water filter is to check the taste and odor of the water. If a water filter is clogged, it’s unlikely to purify the water like it did when you first installed it. That’s why if you feel that your water smells unpleasant or tastes a little off, this could be a sign that you need to change the water filter.

A Decrease In Water Pressure

You may also notice that water flowing from your refrigerator is a little slower than usual. That could be an indication that your water filter is clogged and needs to be changed.

In A Nutshell

Now that you know that replacing your refrigerator water filter is something you essentially have to do, you can look for ways to save some money. A great way to save on water filters is to buy them in bulk. While it may not save you a fortune in a one-time purchase, you’ll notice that it’s worth it in the long run. And, maybe instead of buying a new water filter, you simply have to clean it.

Changing your refrigerator water filter should be a simple process once you’re aware of when exactly you should change it. Find out what works best for you and keep an eye on the water’s flow, taste, and smell so you can always enjoy fresh, pure water.


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